Will Ferrell Jumped On Staged At His Son’s Concert, And Proved He Can Still Bang That Cowbell

I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse to have Will Ferrell as your father.

On one hand, I can’t think of many people cooler or funnier to be forced to be around for the first 1/3 of your life. If you’re going to have to spend holidays with family, Will Ferrell as patriarch means they’re a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

All your friends would always want to hang at your house, probably to hang and interact with your dad more than you. Can’t really say that about too many people’s parents. (Mr. Portnoy Esq. being an obvious exception)

Having him as a dad is also a curse though.

No matter how funny you are, you’re never going to be anywhere near as funny as your dad. And any credit you’d ever deserve would be because of your genes.

And everywhere you go, people would point at you and whisper to one another “that’s Will Ferrell’s son.”

That’s a lot of pressure to live up to too.

So it’s cool that his son went the musical direction and started a band. 

There will be haters out there (because there are miserable people who hate on everything in this world) who will say Will Ferrell stole the spotlight from his son here and is an egomaniac who just loves attention. To those people I say Fuck Yourself. Respectfully.

I give props to Ferrell here for actually shining the spotlight on his son and their band. If he doesn’t pull this stunt, footage from this show is nowhere to be found, and nobody even knows his son has a band. 

I say this is a father of the year move.

The only sad part is this entire joke was probably wayyy over the heads of these Gen Z’ers in the crowd. 

There’s slim to no chance they ever watched the famous SNL sketch. 

There’s negative infinity chance they have any clue who Blue Oyster Cult was.

(Fun fact- the story behind this sketch is gold)

P.s. - Such a let down Ferrell’s son isn’t named Gabriel. What could have been- 

P.p.s. - never forget his daughter Pearl coming to collect rent 

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